"[Our country] cannot and should not continue maintaining companies, productive entities, services and budgeted sectors with bloated payrolls (and) losses that hurt the economy, are counterproductive, and form bad work habits."
Who said it?
(Hit your Pg Dn key for the answer)
Raúl Castro
[Reuters 12/27/12, via Doug Urbanski filling in for El Rushbo 1/2/13]
Not only did Raúl make this and similar statements, but since taking over Cuba from his ailing brother Fidel:
- The number of private (Cubans call them "non state") workers rose 23% in 2012 -- 1.1 million, or double, the number from 2010)
- State sector employment dropped 5.7 percent (the Cuban government cut 228,000 public jobs in 2012, on top of the previously announced 137,000 in 2011)
Reuters also reports:
The cash-strapped state is closing thousands of its small retail outlets such as barbershops and cafeterias, notorious for economic inefficiency and employee theft, and offering to lease the premises to employees or others interested in running their own business.
Starting in 2013 the state plans to turn more than 200 medium-sized businesses, from shrimp breeding and produce markets to construction and light manufacturing, into private cooperatives. The experiment will be expanded if successful.
You know we're living in an upside-down world when Cuba is moving to become less government-centered and more private-centered, and the U.S. under Comrade Obama is doing the exact opposite. Pretty soon Americans will be taking rafts to escape to Cuba!
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