"Vote! Voting is the best revenge." - Barack H. Obama, Nov. 2, 2012
Gateway Pundit and others reported this story yesterday:
Obama Administration Shuts Down 100 Year Old Oyster Farm This Week
Another Obama success story…
The Drakes Bay Oyster Co. has been in business for 100 years.
Then came Barack Obama.
In November, the Obama Administration shut down the oyster farm. They said it was for environmental reasons.The farm produced 40% of California oysters.
The business was ordered to close its doors this week after a federal judge denied the oyster farm’s request to overturn its eviction from Point Reyes National Seashore.
Kevin Lunny, owner of Drakes Bay Oyster Company, hugs longtime worker Lupe Guadalupe Arriago after learning the government will not renew his family’s lease in Inverness, Calif., Nov. 29, 2012 (Wall Street Journal)
Our president is like a Bizarro King Midas. Everything he touches turns to crap. This is only Exhibit #38163. I'm sure if his environ-mental-ist bullies didn't shut them down, his IRS bullies (oh, sorry: Affordable Health Act advocates) would've put them out of business with punitive regulations and costs. You wanted 4 more years of Hope&Change(TM)? You got it!
Incidentally, when I linked this GP article on my FB page, a a lib/Dem friend not pleased with my disrespect for The One, replied:
How about taking a look at the history of the legislation and the complexity of the situation: http://blogs.berkeley.edu/2013/01/04/of-mollusks-and-men-the-wilderness-act-and-drakes-bay-oyster-company/
<Sigh> A blog entry written by the Executive Director of the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment at UC Berkeley? That's sure to be a "fair and balanced" piece. Incidentally, I did read the piece, and, not surprisingly, it applauded the Obama's Interior Secretary Ken Salazar for refusing to renew the Lunnys' lease. Another victory scored by Big Government over individual liberty and property rights. All in the name of "the children," "the environment," or whatever.
As an epilogue, President Hope&Change had some eyebrow-raising words to say about the outgoing Salazar, as AWR Hawkins at Breitbart reports:
Offering comments on behalf of outgoing Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar Wednesday, President Obama suggested the Hispanic Cabinet member is more authentically American than New England's Pilgrims.
"His ancestors were here before the Mayflower set sail," Obama noted.
Obama talked about Salazar's Spanish roots and segued from that to focus on how hard he's "working to get immigration reform passed."
The President then repeated a phrase common among Nativists, insinuating that lands belong to ethnicities and not countries: "[Salazar and] his family did not cross the border, the border crossed them. And that's why, when I needed somebody to lead Interior, I didn't have to look very far."
Dear G0d, I can't wait to see who Obama picks as the new Interior Secretary.
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