On Monday President Obama stood for the first time before of the Chamber of Commerce (who last year he and Dems accused of accepting secret foreign contributions; guess they conveniently forgot Obama's own campaign website illegally allowed foreign donations, and he got plenty, but I digress ...).
The crowd barely gave him an applause through the speech. And no wonder. During it, he got his Marx on and admonished them to hire more (Ah what does he care? He doesn't know anything about making payroll.) and to share more of the corporate profits with the workers.
And liberals scoff when critics call Obama a socialist. The audacity!
But to add insult to injury, the Obamedia got right on the story and touted Obama's performance as Kennedyesque. No, not Teddy. Jack. El Rushbo provided the montage:
E.J. DIONNE: (b-roll noise) It was a John F. Kennedy sort of "ask, uh, what you can do for your country" speech!
CONNELL McSHANE: (music under) A JFK moment...
LARRY KUDLOW: ...stealing a page from JFK. [Et tu, Larry!?]
JOHN HARWOOD: A JFK-style challenge to businesses...
SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: ...a Kennedy-like call to action!
MARK CRUMPTON: ...hearken back to President Kennedy!
CHRISTINE ROMANS: ...sounded like JFK!
By comparing Obama to JFK the media hasn't looked as ridiculous since ... well, since they compared him to Ronald Reagan. But Rush does not let the Obamedia revise history and get away with it. In yesterday's first hour he plays three distinct clips of Kennedy from a speech he made in December 14, 1962 to the NY Economic Club:
JFK: This administration pledged itself last summer to an across-the-board, top-to-bottom cut in personal and corporate income taxes to be enacted and become effective in 1963. I am not talking about a quickie or a temporary tax cut which would be more appropriate if a recession were imminent. Nor am I talking about giving the economy a mere shot in the arm to ease some temporary complaint. The federal government's most useful role is not to rush into a program of excessive increases in public expenditures, but to expand the incentives and opportunities for private expenditures
This is exactly the opposite of what Obama has done. In terms of tax cuts, he had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the table to sign the extension of the Bush tax cuts that he promised during his campaign to let sunset.
JFK: When consumers purchase more goods, plants use more of their capacity, men are hired instead of laid off, investment increases and profits are higher. Corporate tax rates must also be cut to increase incentives and the availability of investment capital. The government has already taken major steps this year to reduce business tax liability and to stimulate the modernization, replacement, and expansion of our productive plant and equipment.
Oh yeah, this is definitely Obama's approach. NOT.
JFK: Our true choice is not between tax reduction on the one hand and the avoidance of large federal deficits on the other. It is increasingly clear that no matter what party is in power, so long as our national security needs keep rising, an economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget just as it will never produce enough jobs or enough profits. Surely the lesson of the last decade is that budget deficits are not caused by wild-eyed spenders but by slow economic growth and periodic recessions. And any new recession would break all deficit records. In short, it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low -- and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now.
Let's see: avoiding large federal deficits? Obama. Wild-eyed spending? Obama. Breaking deficit records? Obama.
So not only is Obama not like JFK with regard to economic policy, but Obama's actions are precisely what JFK was warning against!
But I guess as long as the Obamedia pushes the notion that their messiah was Kennedyesque, they can rest assured that the citizenry, dumbed down by 50 years of liberal/Democrat-run education will buy their revisionist history lesson.
Here's Rush in his own way going through this topic. The clip ends with a hysterical story by AP lamenting how Uncle Sam isn't getting his fair share of tax revenue (translation: We need to raise taxes!!!). Rush nips that one in the bud too.
[Edited for long silences, commercial breaks, and extraneous talking]
(Download clip here)
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