May 19, 2010 | American Spectator
Liberals Gone Wild
By Peter Ferrara
Even though the Constitution does not include the words “separation of church and state,” liberals have long treated that concept as a hallowed fundamental doctrine of constitutional law. But no more. With the recent introduction of new Senate cap and trade legislation, ultraliberal supporters Barbara Boxer, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and others have now completely abandoned that doctrine in their quest to establish global warming dogma as the official, established religion of the United States.
Under that legislation, everyone in America will be forced to tithe to the new religion through higher prices for electricity, gasoline, natural gas, coal, home heating oil, jet fuel, food (especially meat), and every product produced or transported with such energy sources. Indeed, prices will soar high enough to reduce fossil fuel use and the resulting carbon dioxide emissions back to the per capita levels of 1870!
The legislation will further force Americans to engage in ritual sacrifices to the established religion, slashing back on powerful, roomy cars and SUVS, air conditioning, heat, PCs, laptops, big screen TVs, cell phones, iPods, backyard barbecues, manufacturing jobs, and traditional American prosperity. They will be forced to worship the modern, hip, pagan dogma with smaller “carbon footprints.” If they do not profess their true belief, they will be shouted out of public life as troglodyte “deniers,” just as those who did not faithfully maintain membership in the established Church of England were disqualified from holding public office.
But if they do faithfully follow the global warming catechism of cap and trade, they will be rewarded with the eternal salvation of a reduction in the projected rise of global temperatures of 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit by 2050, based on the UN’s own climate models. Hallelujah! Praise the AlGore! ...
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May 19, 2010 | American Thinker
I Think, Therefore I Profile
By Carol Peracchio
… Whatever you do, the elites tell us, don’t profile! But is that even humanly possible? In my earlier work in hospital nursing, we profiled from the minute we clocked in for our shift. We didn’t call it profiling, of course. When I worked in the ICU, we called it “assessment.” In the ER, it’s known as “triage.” …
Profiling saves lives. Many years ago I was working nights in an ICU at a county hospital. One of our patients, a young gang member, had been shot by a rival gang. We were warned that members of that gang were threatening to come to the hospital to “finish the job.” During that shift, I was very grateful that hospital security was actively profiling everyone who came into the hospital, looking for young males of a specific race who fit the profile of that gang. The last thing I and my co-workers wanted was for a gang member to sneak in while security was questioning the elderly wife of the patient in the next bed.
The way I understand the Arizona law, police officers are expected to verify the immigration status of people they encounter during the performance of their jobs. All sorts of media, entertainment, and political stars are working themselves into a tizzy, positive that cops all over Arizona are going to start hassling random Hispanics, demanding to see their papers. As President Obama says, “If you are an Hispanic-American in Arizona, your great-grandparents may have been there before Arizona was even a state, but now suddenly if you don’t have your papers and you took your kid out to get ice cream, your going to be harassed[.]”
I find this scenario ridiculous, because if the job of policeman is anything at all like the job of a nurse, then they don’t have time to start hassling toddlers getting ice cream. Arizona is plagued with drug cartels and kidnappings, much of it tied to illegal immigrants. Believe me, the cops are busy enough. Besides, I have a feeling that the police are just as talented at profiling as nurses are. For the cops, appropriate profiling is a matter of survival. Listening to that profile instinct during a routine traffic stop can mean life or death. …
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May 18, 2010 | Daily Caller
How’s that apology thing working out, Mr. President?
By Ken Blackwell
As a candidate, Barack Obama wowed the world. He went to Berlin and gave a speech at their victory monument. It was a curious venue for such a speech. But a million Germans came out to hear him. It was a phenomenal scene. No one remembers what he said there, but it was quite a show. A year later, when he returned to the continent, as president, he spoke at Normandy. No one can quite recall what Obama said, but everyone remembers what Newsweek’s Evan Thomas said: “I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above—above the world, he’s sort of God.”
If you are hailed as a “sort of God,” it’s no wonder that your head gets turned. You don’t want to seem puffed up, or succumb to the sin of pride. So you start apologizing. Not for yourself, but for your country. America has been arrogant, you tell the world. America has tried to go it alone. America has not sufficiently respected the rest of the world. And you bow. You bow a lot. …
What we are seeing is a nation standing into danger. We are watching as the United States is publicly and internationally humiliated. Our idol worship of an inexperienced and ill-equipped leader has blinded us to the mounting dangers in a world of dangers.
It would be hard to say which specific foreign policy of the Obama administration is worst. Iran sanctions? Russian relations? Attacks on Israel for Jewish settlements in Jerusalem? Trashing the special relationship with Britain? Insulting the Canadians in their own capital? Failure to secure the border with Mexico? We have an entire menu of foreign policy disasters to consider. Maybe if your perspective is from above it all, standing up there as sort of God, it looks better. For those of us with our feet firmly on the ground, it looks less heavenly.
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May 18, 2010 | NewsReal Blog
Our Current Government: A Bunch of Radicalized Slackers
… Our current leaders have apparently given up their “laser like focus” on creating or saving jobs. That hasn’t been working out so well for them, being completely ignorant in the ways of business. Instead, they now appear to be focused on creating or saving a whole bunch of slackers. This is not the first time Pelosi has said it either. She uttered much the same drivel back in March, prior to the passage of the health care bill that had to be passed before we could see what’s in it:
“Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance.”
That’s right. Working is for stuffy old fuddy-duddies and inartistic Philistines. Plus, the kids these days don’t know how to protest; we need more drum circles, man.
I couldn’t put my finger on exactly why this irked me so much. I mean, even more so than usual. I knew it couldn’t just be the putrid stench of entitlement mentality emanating from Pelosi, although that was, of course, a major part of it. I finally realized what it was; it reminds me of the tree squatters at Berkeley. College kids, full of smug ™, who think they are so much better and smarter than you, all while mooching off of their parents and bringing their laundry home for mommy to do.
The recent vile and infuriating apology to China – CHINA, of all places – for Arizona’s new immigration law fits much the same mold. Jay Nordlinger, of National Review Online, had a similar thought:
I hope I have read that incorrectly, or am interpreting it incorrectly. Did we, the United States, talking to a government that maintains a gulag, that denies people their basic rights, that in all probability harvests organs, apologize for the new immigration law in Arizona? Really, really? …
Do you ever get the idea that our government is a bunch of left-wing undergraduates come to power?
Yes. Because that is exactly what they are.
Obama is just like the new breed of hipsters who are on food stamps so they can shop at the oh-so-hip Whole Foods. Arugula is a right! And have you seen the price of it? No wonder they have made 26 year old adults comparable to children, who must remain on their parents’ insurance policies. They are still children. Left wing radical children, but children nonetheless. It’s mean to expect people to act like adults and work for things! Obama, and his administration, have persisted in that left-wing undergraduate vein, only they are dangerously now in power. …
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Jewish World Review | May 19, 2010
The ‘Unintended Consequences’ of Liberalism
By Arnold Ahlert
The essence of liberal bankruptcy can be reduced to two words: unintended consequences. Quite simply, the unintended consequences of liberalism are the result of people behaving like people actually behave—instead of how liberals believe they should behave. Perhaps the most egregious example of the left’s terminal disconnect from reality is health care “reform.” Two news stories reveal what happens when common sense loses out to ideological idiocy.
The first story comes from the Congressional newspaper The Hill. Apparently it has dawned on some people that adding 32 million people to the health care rolls—note I said people, as opposed to American citizens—might engender some unintended consequences with regard to their impact on “emergency rooms already crammed beyond capacity, according to experts on healthcare facilities.”
“Everybody expected that one of the initial impacts of reform would be less pressure on emergency departments; it’s going to be exactly the opposite over the next four to eight years,” said Rich Dallam, healthcare partner at NBBJ, an architectural firm which designs healthcare facilities.
Not everybody, Mr. Dallam. Only the clueless liberals in Congress and the White House who foisted this package on the substantial majority of Americans who wanted no part of it. …
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May 17, 2010 | American Thinker
The Left’s War on Free Speech
By Bruce Walker
… All this devotion which the left pretends to have for free speech is just like every other profession of values by the left: it is pure fraud, smirking lies, and measured injustice. Consider the position that Elena Kagan has taken toward free speech. She wrote in 1996 that free speech could be restricted if it directly or indirectly incited people to do harm, and Kagan noted the famous example of someone yelling “Fire!” in a crowded theater. She equates that with the notorious “hate speech” invented by the left. …
The left displays a very curious attitude toward the rights of different sorts of speakers. “Hate speech” is almost always directed against the lonely individual conservative, who has no wealth or power to protect him. Conservatives have been noting for forty-one years that government licensed television network channels lie about conservatives, defame conservative leaders, and construct crude caricatures of conservatives as a group. Worse, for most of those forty-one years, the networks scrupulously avoided criticizing each other for ideological bigotry, acting like a true monopoly. The left defended the right of multi-billion dollar corporate giants to savage the lives of conservatives by malicious mendacity. The left never said a word about these mammoth business empires hurting the public.
So when does the left get concerned about opinions reaching tens of millions of Americans? When someone like Rush Limbaugh takes the largely ignored and financially modest medium of A.M. talk radio and, against a torrent of abuse and many boycotts, finds a profoundly resonating voice among the conservative majority of America. Then—only then!—the ancient “Fairness Doctrine” rears its peculiar head. When the identical triplets of CBS, NBC, and ABC had the same news, the same entertainment slant, the same everything—which meant conservative ideas and beliefs were scrupulously purged, the left thought the Fairness Doctrine something akin to censorship. Only when the other side gets heard does the doctrine have meaning.
The left is utterly wedded to thought control. Like all sibling totalitarianisms, the left in America is addicted to power and repelled by truth. The creation of officially defined oppressors and officially defined victims determines who has rights and who does not. The totalitarian narcotic of “Social Justice,” the drug of choice for Hitler, Stalin, Father Coughlin, and Sir Oswald Moseley, dulls the people into a twilight land in which “Freedom is Slavery” and free speech too.
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May 19, 2010 | National Review Online
The U.S. Department of Blame America First
By Michelle Malkin
Assistant secretary of state for the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Michael Posner is probably not the first Obama State Department official to badmouth America in front of foreign delegations. He was just dumb enough to get caught.
Last week, the former head agitator at the transnationalist outfit Human Rights First trashed our country’s human-rights record to Chinese government officials.
Posner is an unrepentant open-borders radical who has long fought immigration enforcement and vociferously opposed post-9/11 counterterrorism measures to detain enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay. He was active in supporting the establishment of the International Criminal Court, an American-sovereignty-undermining tribunal that would trump U.S. judicial authority over war crimes and “crimes against humanity.” …
The Arizona law is indeed being “debated in our own society” — mostly by a parade of willful ignoramuses from Homeland Security Department secretary Janet Napolitano to Attorney General Eric Holder to State Department spokesman P. J. Crowley, all three of whom have gone on television to attack the Arizona law and then admitted that they have yet to read the legislation. ...
Have a blessed day!
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