NAACP Ushers in The Era of Nonsense
Kevin Jackson
… [NAACP president] Jealous appears to have selective memory when it comes to who founded the NAACP and fought for the rights of blacks. While most groups are proud of their heritage, it seems the NAACP is intent on revising theirs, and in fact, I found no reference to the NAACP being founded by Republicans on their website!
The same Republicans, black and white, are still fighting for the rights of blacks, yet Jealous portrays us as racists.
Jealous calls the tea parties racist, yet he hasn’t attended any. I suspect Jealous believes that Greenland is really green! Jealous doesn’t want to actually see for himself that tea parties are not racist, because then he would be forced to find new lies, and the left is running out of lies. Further, Jealous can’t have facts getting in the way of his racist rhetoric, or, God forbid, black people might actually start thinking for “theysefs.”
Jealous refuses to believe—or even speak with—the many blacks who have actually attended the thousands of Tea Party events without a single racial incident.
However, the NAACP, and its co-conspirators like the Congressional Black Caucus, is constantly associating tea parties to the Klan, as Rep Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) did here.
I fact-checked this and found that at the Democrat-sponsored Klan events of the past, the only featured blacks present were the ones being lynched! Perhaps Jealous and Sheila Jackson Lee overlooked that smidgen of racism that existed in the Democratic Party?
What Jealous seems to not want to acknowledge is the obvious bigotry within the NAACP. This group flatly does not like conservatives, regardless of color.
When Ken Gladney, a young black, was beaten by the SEIU while working, the NAACP held a press conference in St. Louis where their spokesperson called Gladney an “Uncle Tom.” The spokesman further added that Gladney was “not black enough,” thus establishing the color spectrum for the NAACP. Gladney’s color: conservative!
Former president of the NAACP Benjamin Hooks in this article called Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams “Uncle Toms.” Two of America’s most brilliant minds, two of the most respected black men in America, called Uncle Toms because of their political persuasion.
As for representing blacks who support the organization, the NAACP’s record is dismal—so much so, in fact, that the organization should be called the National Association for Taking Advantage of Colored People. [Nice one, Kevin! – ETR]
Like Jackson and Sharpton, the NAACP is now simply using black people to further its own cause. They have taken a page out of the Operation PUSH playbook and begun corporate shakedowns—only they are much better at it than Jesse Jackson was.
In 2009, the NAACP sued America’s largest banks, saying essentially that they tricked black people into bad loans. In 2010 the suit was dropped after a settlement was reached. I ask you: How much of that settlement directly impacted blacks in their communities?
Jealous wants the Tea Party to condemn a figment, a specter, in fact a ghost—ironically, a ghost of Democrats past ... and present. Present, because the group Jealous represents has racism in its very name, and its members live up to their very real racism on a daily basis.
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The NAACP Risks the Ash-bin of History
by Ken Blackwell
The NAACP is in the headlines again. This old and respected civil rights organization is taking the unwise step of condemning the TEA Party for alleged racism. Those allegations include unsubstantiated charges that TEA Partiers rallying at the Capitol against passage of the unconstitutional health care takeover had yelled racial epithets at black congressman who were walking from their offices to the House of Representatives to cast historic votes. They yelled the “N” word, the congressmen claimed. But no one seems to be able to produce any video, any audio, or any sworn statements naming names, or even pointing to specific yellers.
When asked why they chose to walk through a crowd of anti-ObamaCare demonstrators, the liberal Members disingenuously replied: It was the first day of spring. Right. And Gov. Sanford wanted to enjoy the spring air hiking the Appalachian Trail, too.
I want to remind my friends why the NAACP is revered in the black community in this country. At a time in the early 1900s when hundreds of communities in this land of liberty were in the grip of the murderous Ku Klux Klan, when hundreds of black Americans were lynched every year for daring to exercise their right to vote, when local law enforcement, editors and jurors ignored the plight of black Americans, the NAACP was there to champion civil rights for the oppressed.
For these and many other courageous actions, the NAACP deserves the gratitude of all Americans. But this legendary organization is risking its honored legacy when it cries wolf and hurls baseless charges of racism against Americans who are exercising their civil rights to protest against radical policies coming from Washington, D.C.
The NAACP can once again become the respected organization that champions civil rights for all, if it avoids these race-baiting tactics.
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I Condemn the NAACP: It Is Grossly Out of Touch
by Darryn “Dutch” Martin
I condemn the NAACP. The more the NAACP throws accusations of “racism” at patriotic groups such as the tea party movement, the more this formerly great civil rights organization shows its ever-increasing irrelevance.
This is an example of the NAACP showing how grossly out-of-touch it is with issues of importance to blacks today.
With the abnormally high 21 percent high school dropout rate, 70 percent out-of-wedlock birthrate, and epidemic of fatherlessness and a black American sub-culture that condones social ills, one must wonder why the NAACP would waste its time trying to take shots at the tea party movement.
NAACP: ‘Useful Idiots’ of Liberal Racism
by LTC Allen West (USA, Ret.)
… Instead of maintaining its mission and vision, the NAACP has now become the “useful idiots” (a term coined by Vladimir Lenin) for liberal racism. They have made themselves into a political hack job organization which now seeks to maintain the liberal progressive socialist control of the 21 century plantation. It is on this new economic plantation where the liberals seek to enslave the black community in order to maintain a devoted, monolithic, voting electorate.
I find it interesting that the NAACP was silent when Senator Harry Reid made his insidious comments about President Obama was favorable, likeable, because he is “light-skinned” and did not speak in “negro dialect”. I recall that the NAACP said nothing when Vice President Joe Biden referred to Barack Hussein Obama as “clean and articulate”. The NAACP said nothing when liberals attacked Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice (birthing tubes cartoon), Michael Steele, and General Colin Powell. …
It is this duplicitous hypocrisy which allows me to state that the NAACP is shamefully now a liberal racist enabler. The upcoming mid-term elections have the Democrat party in certain peril. Therefore they have turned to their tactic of first and last resort, race baiting.
The resolution issued by the NAACP against the Tea Party is just a strategy to focus this coming election not against liberal progressive policies, which are anathema to our Republic. No, the NAACP, in conjunction with their masters, the Democrat party, seek to make this into an election based upon an insane charge of racial hatred.
We even see charlatan blasts from the past such as Julian Bond stating that Martin Luther King Jr was a socialist, a feeble attempt to garner black community acceptance of the liberal progressive agenda. We are truly on the verge of a dangerous situation in America. And yes, this also includes the lawsuit being brought against the sovereign State of Arizona, an attempt to win Hispanic votes…an extension of liberal racism to another minority group. …
Liberal Racism does not believe in One Nation under God. They believe in a Nation of subjects organized into collective groups under which they shall rule, not govern, in a secular humanist based society.
Indivisible, Liberal Racism does not believe in “e pluribus unim”, they prefer a balkanized America where they can pit us against each other through their manipulated messages…such as Tea Party racism.
Liberal racism does not believe in Liberty and Justice for All, they believe in freedom defined by a ruling class elite while creating more victims who become dependent upon their dishonest benevolence. Justice in the world of Liberal Racism means social and economic justice rooted in a principle of leveling, which founding father Samuel Adams spoke against. Al Sharpton defined justice as everyone having the same in every home in America…..government engineering of results and outcomes. …
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Black Tea Party Spokesperson Lloyd Marcus, Rebukes NAACP Resolution Against Tea Parties
Lloyd Marcus
… The NAACP Resolution proclaiming the Tea Party Movement to be racist is motivated by hate and fear. Though well disguised in intellectual rhetoric, underneath festers hate and fear. Along with their underlying resentment of whites and non forgiveness of America’s sins of the past, the NAACP has become zealots for the religion of Progressivism which preaches victimhood-ism and entitlement. The NAACP are the true racists whose secret motto is “Keep Hate & Victimhood-ism Alive.”
The NAACP fears the Tea Parties because they are effective; getting conservatives elected and giving We The People a voice to challenge the “deaf to the will of the American people” Obama administration.
Obama and the NAACP are kindred spirits in their disdain for America and the tea parties. Speaking at an NAACP event, President Obama fed the mostly black audience red meat sure to please. Obama said racism is still very much alive and a problem for blacks in America. The audience erupted in cheers and applause. In essence the NAACP audience was saying, “Hallelujah, we’re still victims in America!” …
For the ga-zillionth time, the tea party attendees are not racist. They are decent hard working Americans motivated by love for their country. These patriots oppose Obama’s policies, not his skin color.
America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it via education, hard work and a dream. In areas where blacks are having difficulty, the problem is not a racist America. The true enemies of the black community are liberal Democrat policies and programs which have destroyed the black family enslaving them to government.
It is truly sad to see the once great civil rights organization acting like modern day “Uncle Tom” slaves on a liberal plantation selling out their people for a seat in the big house at the liberal democrat Massa’s table.
The bottom line is the NAACP, Obama and their co-conspirators in the liberal mainstream media have no interest in the truth regarding the tea parties. Their only goal is the furtherance of their progressive agenda. Thus, they will continue lying and functioning from a place of hate and fear which will ultimately lead to their destruction.
What the anti-America zealots can not comprehend or understand is this incredible tea party movement was birthed out of and is motivated by love for our great country. Love is the source of our extraordinary strength and growing power. Motivated by love, we tea party patriots are defeating the anti-America zealots. Come November, the anti-America zealots will be devastated. How do I know this? Because love never fails.
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NAACP Ushers in The Era of Nonsense
Kevin Jackson
… [NAACP president] Jealous appears to have selective memory when it comes to who founded the NAACP and fought for the rights of blacks. While most groups are proud of their heritage, it seems the NAACP is intent on revising theirs, and in fact, I found no reference to the NAACP being founded by Republicans on their website!
The same Republicans, black and white, are still fighting for the rights of blacks, yet Jealous portrays us as racists.
Jealous calls the tea parties racist, yet he hasn’t attended any. I suspect Jealous believes that Greenland is really green! Jealous doesn’t want to actually see for himself that tea parties are not racist, because then he would be forced to find new lies, and the left is running out of lies. Further, Jealous can’t have facts getting in the way of his racist rhetoric, or, God forbid, black people might actually start thinking for “theysefs.”
Jealous refuses to believe—or even speak with—the many blacks who have actually attended the thousands of Tea Party events without a single racial incident.
However, the NAACP, and its co-conspirators like the Congressional Black Caucus, is constantly associating tea parties to the Klan, as Rep Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) did here.
I fact-checked this and found that at the Democrat-sponsored Klan events of the past, the only featured blacks present were the ones being lynched! Perhaps Jealous and Sheila Jackson Lee overlooked that smidgen of racism that existed in the Democratic Party?
What Jealous seems to not want to acknowledge is the obvious bigotry within the NAACP. This group flatly does not like conservatives, regardless of color.
When Ken Gladney, a young black, was beaten by the SEIU while working, the NAACP held a press conference in St. Louis where their spokesperson called Gladney an “Uncle Tom.” The spokesman further added that Gladney was “not black enough,” thus establishing the color spectrum for the NAACP. Gladney’s color: conservative!
Former president of the NAACP Benjamin Hooks in this article called Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams “Uncle Toms.” Two of America’s most brilliant minds, two of the most respected black men in America, called Uncle Toms because of their political persuasion.
As for representing blacks who support the organization, the NAACP’s record is dismal—so much so, in fact, that the organization should be called the National Association for Taking Advantage of Colored People. [Nice one, Kevin! – ETR]
Like Jackson and Sharpton, the NAACP is now simply using black people to further its own cause. They have taken a page out of the Operation PUSH playbook and begun corporate shakedowns—only they are much better at it than Jesse Jackson was.
In 2009, the NAACP sued America’s largest banks, saying essentially that they tricked black people into bad loans. In 2010 the suit was dropped after a settlement was reached. I ask you: How much of that settlement directly impacted blacks in their communities?
Jealous wants the Tea Party to condemn a figment, a specter, in fact a ghost—ironically, a ghost of Democrats past ... and present. Present, because the group Jealous represents has racism in its very name, and its members live up to their very real racism on a daily basis. …
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