I hear people keep asking if liberals/Democrats really believe the crap they spew daily. For instance, are the Democrat-media complex aware of their hypocrisy as they credit President Hope&Change for the killing of Muammar Qaddafi when several months ago — and remember : this operation was only to take “days, not weeks” — they were dutifully parroting the president’s promise that U.S. troops were not directly involved in the Libyan invasion?
Does President Hope&Change even care what a hypocrite he looks like when, after the Democrat-media complex blamed the likes of Sarah Palin and right-wing radio for creating an air of “incivility,” he goes around the country praising figures who call his ideological opponents “sons of bitches” and “barbarians at the gate,” and voices his support for the hate-filled, violent and destructive Occupy Wall Street?
Does Veep Biden realize what an imbecile he looks like when he accuses Republicans of being responsible for violent crimes and robberies in cities like Flint, Michigan when it has precisely been liberal Democrats like Biden who for 40+ freaking years have enacted policies that have aided and abetted such crimes and coddled their perpetrators?
Does Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid realize what a moron he looks like when he actually states with a straight face that the private sector is doing fine, that it’s the public sector that needs rescuing? (Oh did you hear, this week Washington, D.C. became the nation’s richest city.)
Do the DBF* media realize what blatantly biased Democrat mouthpieces they are when they continue to act as cheerleaders for the hateful, violent, extremist Occupy protests while at the same time smearing the peaceful, patriotic Tea Party as such?
Do the “fleabaggers” attending the Occupy protests realize (or even care) that, if they are truly angry about the state of the economy and unemployment in this country, they are aiming their rage at the wrong targets?
Do the Occupiers realize what hypocrites they are when they are joined by multi-millionaires like Michael Moore, Susan Sarandon, Russell Simmons, and Kanye West? Multi-millionaires
Yes, to be a liberal Democrat means to occupy a world irrevocably divorced from reality and to act like an utter hypocrite.
But while all the above are examples of this, the one that takes the cake is the Democrat-media complex’s treatment of Herman Cain. For seven years now, they have worshiped Barack Hussein Obama like a god and willingly ignored (or openly celebrated) his radical Marxist-socialist past.
And anyone who had the audacity to criticize President Golden Calf, from Rush Limbaugh to the Tea Party, were smeared as hateful racists who “just don’t like a black man in the White House.” The news media like the NY Times and MSNBC still say it. Self-appointed spokespeople for the black community like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton say it. And celebrity blowhards like Jeneane Garofalo, Joy Behar, Harry Belafonte, Morgan Freeman and Samuel L. Jackson say it.
Liberal/Democrats’ Public Enemy #1
So now that Herman Cain is hitting the top of the GOP polls, what do all these wizards of smart have to say? First, political genius Jeneane Garofalo told an approving Keith Olbermann that the Tea Party was supporting Cain simply to hide their racism. Karl Rove, she went on to say, keeps his racism very covert. Which is weird since Rove is an establishment “Beltway” Republican and is most likely not even backing a Tea Party conservative like Cain, just as he was not supporting a Sarah Palin candidacy.
O.K., whatever helps you sleep at night, Jeneane.
But what is the most hypocritical is how the Democrat-media complex are themselves treating Herman Cain. All the racism and condescension and hostility they projected upon Obama’s critics they are now all overtly enacting upon Cain!
On MSNBC Lawrence O’Donnell conducted a thoroughly insulting, abusive and condescending interview with Cain. (To its credit, the left-leaning Atlantic called O’Donnell out on that.)
Even more outrageously, people have called Cain—a black man, mind you—a “bigot” and a “racist.” (Wait, I didn’t think black people could be racists. I’m so confused!) Among those hurling those accusations are the Obama-worshiping NY Times, the Obama-worshiping Time Magazine, and the Obama-worshiping NY Times again.
Democrat strategist Cornell Belcher has even called into question the authenticity of Cain’s blackness, as has Princeton’s most humiliating hire, “Professor” Cornel West and PBS’s affirmative action hire Tavis Smiley. Hugo Chávez’s pal Harry Belafonte has called him a “bad apple” and a “false Negro.”
A nice Yahoo! News contributor even declares that Herman Cain’s existence proves that “minorities can be racist too.” (Isn’t that nice? I wonder where this cupcake was when Obama was palling around with Malik Zulu “Kill Cracker Babies!” Shabbazz and the New Black Panthers. Where is she while Obama’s A.G. Eric Holder has made it the official policy of the DOJ not to pursue cases with black defendants such as the aforementioned New Black Panthers?)
It’s already started, people. Just as Sarah Palin was the target of the most hateful, sexist, misogynist, and violent rhetoric from the Democrat-media complex, so is Herman Cain already getting the “lynch the n*gger” treatment from the same people. And it’s going to get worse and worse.
Just sit back and watch the racism continue to come from the party of slavery, KKK, and Jim Crow from now until 2012. Herman Cain is on a roll and if there’s one thing the Democrat Party can’t stand, it’s a black man who’s left the plantation. If Herman Cain happens to win the GOP nomination and then capture the White House, watch the Democrats expose their hate and racism even more.
Related reading: Cain in the Cross-Hairs (Robert Stacy McCain)
*DBF = Democrat-b*tt-f**king
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