I didn't even read about this until reading the latest spectacular article by Lloyd Marcus at AT. Marcus explains:
Obama has unleashed an army of really smart-sounding con artists to intimidate into silence anyone daring to disagree with our imperial dictator and to lay a white-guilt-trip on voters.
A prime example of an Obama con artist is black former NY Times writer and NBC reporter Bob Herbert, who recently made the most absurd and offensive statement. Herbert said,
"A majority of whites have never favored equal rights in this country. Never, ever, ever, ever. It's never even been close -- it is a fantasy to talk about the idea of a majority of whites supporting the rights of blacks."
Herbert also said most whites voted for McCain/Palin. Herbert further implied that all white votes against Obama were racially motivated.
Hmm, interesting theory. Maybe if you look at the history of the party you always vote for, Bob, you'd be right.
But such an offensive and asisnine statement really doesn't even warrant the dignity of a retort. It's just another of a never-ending list of liberal stupid-ass comments.
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