Who's Bill Press, you ask? Don't know. Don't care. Some lefty who used to be on CNN and has his own show somewhere. On his Friday broadcast he actually compared Herman Cain to Jerry Sandusky [h/t Brian Maloney at Radio Equalizer]:
What's the difference, really? There's no difference, really. I mean, okay, we have maybe sexual assault in the case of Sandusky, but let me tell you something, assuming, and if what Sharon Bialek says is correct, that's a lot more than sexual harassment on Herman Cain's part. That's sexual assault on his part. I think any lawyer would tell you that. So I just get sick of these right-wingers trying to defend this guy when five different women come forward. Five different women come forward! Same story. You're just believe him?
So with nothing but hearsay from two very suspicious and opportunistic women, Press made this offensively inapt comparison.
The racist.
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