Gee, the Hollywood A-(hole) List gets longer and longer and longer. Last Saturday, after The Herminator trounced in the Florida straw poll, pundit George Will said it would make liberals' heads explode. And indeed it has.
First, actor Morgan Freeman -- who, after playing roles like "Crazy" Joe Clark in the movie Lean On Me and other movies that send a wholly Republican message -- bashed the Tea Party as a bunch of racists.
At least the DBF media reported that comment. But there was apparently a Tweet by black actor D.L. Hughley that has stayed under the media radar for an entire week already.
Crystal Wright, who blogs at, writes at the Daily Caller:
Black comedian D.L. Hughley is at it again, making racist and incendiary comments about Republicans. Apparently, Herman Cain’s victory in the GOP Florida straw poll was too much for the liberal-minded Hughley to bear. On September 27, Hughley launched into a stream of demeaning, racially charged tweets about Cain on his Twitter account @RealDLHughley, which his loyal followers responded to in kind. You may remember Hughley’s fleeting CNN talk show was cancelled in 2009 because he said during an interview with former RNC Chairman Michael Steele “the Republican National Convention literally looks like Nazi Germany.”
Literally, Mr. Hughley? They were actually wearing Nazi uniforms and swastika armbands? Were theyliterally marching in goose step and burning books and rounding up Jews and throwing them into cattle cars, Mr. Hughley?
No, of course not. The only thing that made the RNC Convention "literally look like Nazi Germany" as that the attendees were predominantly (but not all) white. For some reason this has become a sin to the mentally deranged left. So, to Dem-wits like Hughley, being white = being a Nazi. He's judging a group of people purely by their skin color. Don't know about you, but that sounds pretty freaking racist to me!
Wright goes on:
Hughley’s tirade against Cain may have gone unnoticed were it not for @blackrepublican tweeting about Hughley’s incendiary commentary. “Herman Cain won the Florida straw poll by a lot! I loved Herman Cain when he played Mr. Gaines on a different World,” Hughley tweeted. This prompted other tweets by Hughley and his followers that implied Cain was an Uncle Tom and not REALLY black because he is a conservative who doesn’t choose to believe in Democrat plantation policies that keep blacks economically oppressed.
Apparently, Hughley was too absorbed in his racist Twitter banter to notice a recent Rasmussen poll that found Cain trailing Obama by just 5% in a hypothetical match-up.
Several tweets later, Hughley wrote:
Here are some other tweets from this genius:
This enticed others to compare Cain to the “original Cream of Wheat,” “Stepin Fetchit” and the “butler in Gone with the Wind” — all of which conjure up demeaning, racist caricatures used during the pre- and post-Civil War era to describe the “dutiful slave.”
It’s shocking that, in the 21st century, blacks would so viciously attack a black man because he didn’t agree with their politics. Martin Luther King Jr. would be horrified because this isn’t the freedom he fought and died for.
Even more surprising is the fact that Hughley hasn’t removed or denounced any of the tweets, particularly the one which makes an offensive reference to Sarah Palin.
Most shocking of all, the liberal media has completely ignored the story. If the shoes were reversed and a white conservative comedian or radio host like Rush Limbaugh authored and incited such offensive commentary about Barack Obama or a black Democrat, the left-wing news media and politicians would be outraged. They’d demand apologies, firings and boycotts. But when a black comedian says racist things about a black Republican, he gets a free pass.
Indeed. In fact, in order to brand Rush and other conservatives as racist, the left has needed to make up racist quotes out of whole cloth and propagate them as fact. That's how morally corrupt the Democrat left has become.
And now, as we are seeing, being black does not protect Herman Cain from racist and offensive comments. Just ask Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.
While the liberal establishment is busy protecting the double standard, their policies are doing nothing to create jobs for the 16.7% of blacks and 45.6% of black teens who are unemployed. Instead of mocking black conservatives, maybe it’s time for black liberals to turn their attention to some new ideas. After all, the Democrat hand of government isn’t helping blacks rise up. It’s only keeping them enslaved and dependent on a promise that is never realized.
Amen, sister.
I hope Herman Cain gets the GOP nomination. And I hope more black Americans wake up and realize the shackles their Democrat massas have kept them locked up in all these years.
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