You might also recall that the slightest criticism of this absolutely detestable and inexcusable was met with, "How dare you question my patriotism!?!?" and "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism!!!" Hillary Clinton, channeling Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, courageously declared to a screaming crowd, "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration!"
Of course, no one was calling unpatriotic those who were legitimately debating and disagreeing with the Bush administration. Just the ones described above. And Hillary knew it.
So, from January 20, 2001 to January 19, 2009 it was verboten to accuse anybody of being unpatriotic or un-American.
Not to worry, folks, because leftists, being the inconsistent result-oriented bunch that they are, have found something for which they can freely accuse others of being un-American: not wanting to pay any more than they already do in taxes.
The most recent case in point. On "Inside Washington" on taxpayer-funded PBS, some leftist drone by the name of Mark Shields declared that the (relatively!) low taxes we have today are "fundamentally un-American."
Noel Sheppard at NewsBusters retorts [emphasis mine]:
Imagine that. People not being taxed more than they currently are is fundamentally un-American.
Would our Founding Fathers agree with Shields's sentiments?
What folks like Franklin, Jefferson, and Madison would say is that almost half of the public not paying taxes while the other half shoulders all the burden is what's un-American.
But liberals like Shields don't see it that way.
For them, taxation is a means to redistribute from those that have to those that don't, a concept our Founding Fathers would have been appalled by.
Of course, one quite imagines Mr. Shields and his accountants do everything in their power to make sure his tax burden is the lowest they can get away with.
I doubt they think that's un-American.
My sentiments exactly.
So let me be among the first to say to Mark the Marxist Shields in all sincerity, "How dare you question my patriotism!?"
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