I knew it would eventually come to this. After the horrible suicide of a number of gay bullying victims, most recently 18-year-old Rutgers student Tyler Clementi, I feared the left would exploit these incidents and turn them into an agenda-pushing opportunity.
And so they did.
Let me state this at the onset so that there is no confusion: I am not trying to minimize the unfortunate deaths of these young gay people. I feel dreadfully sorry for all these victims and their families and wish these suicides were avoided, as any decent human being would. That should go without saying.
But, it is now clear that the left has concocted another "crisis" not to go to waste: Over the past week, Hollywood celebs have come out not only to promote anti-bullying agenda against gays (which, of course, no one would be against) but to pin the blame for these victims' demise squarely on conservatives, Republicans, and any independent person who believes marriage should remain between one man and one woman.
In other words, if you don't support all the things that gays do, then there's no difference between you and the bullies who drove these poor souls to suicide.
Again, I don't mean to minimize these people's deaths or the factors that led to them, but I am calling it as I see it. Naturally, the left wants same-sex marriage, and they're shamelessly using these deaths to push that agenda on the American people by suggesting quite directly that anyone against same-sex marriage is just as guilty as a couple of a-holes who drove their gay bullying victims to suicide. I do not buy it. Nor do I buy for a second that there is a wave of rampant violence and bullying against gays in this country that needs to be confronted at the national level.
(Incidentally, notice that before Clementi's suicidal jump from the George Washington Bridge, the victim du jour was American Muslims. It was only weeks ago when newspapers, magazines, and TV news shows were all abuzz about this non-existent wave of Islamophobia. The same suspects -- conservatives/Republicans -- were unjustifiably fingered -- and, just as in the current scenario, there is not a single right-wing fingerprint to be found on any bit of evidence.)
To add insult to injury, Bozell points out that those Hollywood celebs speaking out against intolerance and bullying have themselves quite a history of intolerance and proclivities toward violence against people they disagree with:
... This could have been a moment of national unity. Almost everyone can tell a story of being the target of bullying or mean-spirited ridicule about being too tall, too short, too fat, too skinny, too dumb, too smart, you name it. But others found this tragedy offered too rich a rhetorical opportunity. It was not a suicide to them. It was a murder.
CNN's "Larry King Live" brought on the antonym of human dignity, Kathy Griffin, who quickly inflamed the Clementi moment by charging "the blood's on their hands" of our "so-called leaders." She insisted, "I think that the way that we had trickle-down economics in the '80s, this is trickle-down homophobia. [???] And I really want people to connect the dots. And that's why I believe there's a connection between Prop. 8; Don't Ask, Don't Tell; and now the string of teen suicides."
Holy smokes. So Ronald Reagan killed him.
Let's put aside that ridiculous "connecting the dots" charge for a second. Larry King should have been asked: Given that Griffin regularly takes to the stage and television to viciously attack other people, is she really the kind of personality that can plausibly pose as the guardian of empathy and the role model for anti-bullying behavior? This year, she made the rounds of talk shows laughing up the controversy she created when she said Sen. Scott Brown's daughters were "prostitutes." One daughter, Arianna, is a freshman at Syracuse University -- the same age as the boy who took his own life. Griffin's even wished violence on people. She recently told a Playgirl magazine writer, "I'd like to push Sarah Palin down the stairs." Now she's CNN's anti-bullying poster child.
But Griffin wasn't alone. Sitting right next to her was lesbian comic Wanda Sykes, who chimed in with her own love taps. "In the laws and everything else that's out here, in the churches that they preach that homophobia (sic) is wrong. You pretty much have given kids permission to disrespect and, you know, and to cause harm to the gay and lesbian community." This is the same "comedian" who "joked" in front of the president that she hoped Rush Limbaugh's kidneys failed and he died. Now, she's on CNN lecturing on bullying.
Then there's Sarah Silverman, another comedian who thrives on shocking and insulting comments. Silverman went on YouTube to lecture the country: "Dear America, When you tell gay Americans that you can't serve their country openly or marry the person that they love, you're telling that to kids, too. So don't be f---ing shocked, wondering where all these bullies are coming from who are torturing young kids and driving them to kill themselves because they're different. They learned it from watching you."
Once again, putting aside the downright stupid accusation that opposing gay marriage is a bullying-and-suicide platform, is Silverman a role model against bullying? At almost the same time her accusatory video piled up more than 200,000 views, Silverman was vomiting this sex "joke" on Twitter: "9/11 widows give the best (sex act)." Can you say cognitive dissonance? She's now lecturing on bullying.
The left has no shame. None. On her satellite radio show, Rosie O'Donnell joined in the same party-line smear: "Well, if the society sanctions bigotry against gay people, how can you expect the children of this society not to ... internalize that? Whether it's Don't Ask, Don't Tell; whether it's gay marriage; (it's) being told by your country that you are not as valuable as your neighbor who's straight." O'Donnell denouncing bullying is akin to Michael Vick denouncing dog fighting. ...
And so on and so on.
Although I am politically conservative, I have plenty of gay friends and have even attended gay marriage ceremonies. Doesn't bother me. What does bother me is the typical leftist tactic of forcing a certain agenda down the nation's throat by blowing a handful of anecdotal tragedies out of proportion to create this us-vs.-them scenario with regard to gays, or Muslims, or whoever the perceived national victim of the week is.
Mr. Bozell is completely correct in pointing out the sheer hypocrisy of the left using its most intolerant spokespeople to lecture the right on tolerance. But what I find most interesting is that we don't even know the political leanings of any of those bullies who drove their gay victims to suicide! Yet conservatives are immediately implicated.
And note these same liberals will witness dozens of radical Islamists shouting Allahu Akbar before blowing up (or trying to) their non-Muslim victims and insist that these are isolated incidents and that there's no particular ideological motivation linking them. It's a perfect example of how political correctness rots the brain.
Decent Americans must refuse to let the left exploit their guilt in order to push their radical leftist agendas.
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