When I added my voice to those across the country who criticized the Democrats for pushing, and ultimately passing, the health (s)care bill, my liberal friends actually responded to my objection with, “Read the bill.” “Read the bill.”
Right. As if they read the 2,700-page bill in its entirety.
Of course, now we know that not even most of Congress read their bill, otherwise they wouldn’t have passed it with (at least) two huge errors: (1) excluding children from coverage and (2) not exempting themselves from the trap they just caught the American people in! Not even President Hope&Change read the freaking bill.
Well, now my liberal friends are jumping on the “Down with Arizona!” bandwagon for having the audacity to enforce federal law already on the books with regard to illegal aliens. By now the city of San Francisco has suspended official travel to the state and other lefty enclaves are adopting other similar measures for Arizona’s crime of actually enforcing the law.
To them, the state has turned into a police state akin to Nazi Germany, where police at any place at any time can walk up to a brown person and say, “Show me your pap-uhs!” Others, like the opportunistic race-baiter Al Sharpton worries about racial profiling.
And tomorrow they say there’s going to be a 100,000-person May Day protest in cities around the country. And if the Phoenix protests are any indication, the media will portray these law-breaking thugs favorably and sympathetically.
The best part is how the left tries to spin this as a civil rights issue and a violation of the Constitution. This is a bloc of Americans who just celebrated the passing of a 2,700-page piece of health (s)care legislation that sh*ts on the Constitution, shreds it, and then sets it on fire. The same people who lament the violation of the civil rights of illegal immigrants just one month ago applauding the violation of all Americans’ civil rights by mandating the purchase of government health insurance and the hiring of 16,500 IRS brownshirts with the authority to approach you at any time and say, “Show me your pap-uhs!”
The same people who denounce the Arizona bill have no problem with this. That’s hypocrisy on steroids. It’s hard proof that for the left it’s always agenda over rule of law, politics over principle. Always.
It is of no small significance that wherever possible, the word “illegal” is left out of the discussion. You rarely see it in news stories or TV captions. That’s on purpose. It’s left out to skew the debate, to paint Arizona’s governor Jan Brewer and all who support her as guilty of opposing immigration in general, which the Democrat-media complex then converts into hatred of non-white people (i.e., racism.)
This is how liberals think. It is like a Six Degrees of Separation game. Everything—everything—conservatives/Republicans stand for amounts to racism, homophobia, xenophobia, or sexism once they manage to connect all the unconnectable dots. It’s a destructive game that’s played from my friends’ pages on Facebook right up to the halls of Congress and the White House itself.
But with every fear-mongering statement made by these lefty fools, they demonstrate not only that they do not care for rule of law, but that they have not read the bill! Even President Hope&Change hasn’t, as evidenced by a stupid comment about the threat of people with dark skin being apprehended by police in an ice cream parlor without cause.
Politically-motivated result-oriented scoundrels all of them.
Below is an attempt to correct the lies perpetuated by the Democrat-media complex about Arizona S.B. 1070. It was written by law professor Kris W. Kobach, formerly John Ashcroft’s chief adviser on immigration law and border security, and one of the principal drafters of the bill:
Myth No. 1: The law requires aliens to carry identification that they weren’t already required to carry. On the contrary, the law simply penalizes aliens who fail to carry the registration documents that federal law already requires them to keep on their person. These federal crimes (8 United States Code Section 1304(a) or 1306(e)) have been around since 1940. The Arizona law simply adds a layer of state penalty to what already was a crime under federal law.
Ironically, the open-borders crowd has for years insisted that we use the term “undocumented” when referring to illegal aliens. Now, when a state takes seriously the documentation requirements of federal law, that crowd becomes apoplectic.
As for U.S. citizens, the law does not require them to carry any identification whatsoever. Indeed, the law cannot possibly be applied against U.S. citizens; only an alien can be found guilty under the Arizona statute.
Myth No. 2: The law will encourage racial profiling. The terms of the act make clear that such profiling cannot occur. Section 2 provides that a law enforcement official “may not solely consider race, color, or national origin” in making any stops or determining an alien’s immigration status. In addition, all of the normal Fourth Amendment protections against racial profiling still apply.
Moreover, the law actually reduces the likelihood of racial profiling by forcing police officers to contact the federal government to verify a person’s immigration status when they suspect a person is an illegal alien. It already was permissible for police officers across the country to make arrests for violations of federal immigration law where reasonable suspicion existed that a violation had occurred. Now, in Arizona, officers will have to make a phone call to Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) 24/7 hot line to confirm that any aliens in their custody really are present unlawfully. Officers can no longer proceed based solely on their own assessment of a person’s immigration status. In this way, the Arizona law takes any consideration of race out of the equation - strengthening the protections against racial profiling.
Myth No. 3: The law will require Arizona police officers to stop and question people. Here again, critics of the law are failing to read it carefully. The law only kicks in when a police officer already has made a “lawful contact” with a person, such as stopping him for breaking another law. The most likely contact is during the issuance of a speeding ticket. The law does not require the officer to begin questioning a person about his immigration status or to do anything the officer would not otherwise do.
Only after a stop is made, and subsequently the officer develops reasonable suspicion on his own that an immigration law has been violated, is any obligation imposed. At that point, the officer is required to call ICE to confirm whether the person is an illegal alien. Are critics seriously suggesting that local law enforcement officers should ignore the violations of federal law that they see at that point?
In sum, the law doesn’t make any radical changes. Rather, it is a reasonable step that gives Arizona police officers another tool in their toolbox when they come into contact with illegal aliens during their normal law enforcement duties. It also prohibits Arizona cities from implementing sanctuary policies that prevent their officers from contacting ICE.
Arizona police officers need the tool that S.B. 1070 provides. Arizona is at ground zero with respect to illegal immigration and its criminal consequences. Arizona has witnessed hundreds of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens. Most recently, the brutal murder of rancher Robert Krentz on his own property by a suspected illegal alien shocked all Americans. Phoenix is now the kidnapping capital of North America and the hub of human smuggling into the United States. Three Phoenix police officers have been shot by illegal aliens since 1999. …
Will any of these truths see the light of day? Will reason and calm reign, or will anger and emotion win the day (you know, like those angry Tea Partiers!)?
And will my liberal friends, who are just as sure as Al Sharpton that Arizona has become a Nazi-like police state actually read the bill?
Doubt it.
I conclude with these words from my friend Mike Haltman of the Political Commentator blog. He writes this in today’s Examiner:
There are few people who do not have sympathy for those who flee out of Mexico for a better life in the United States, but we have laws that concern our sovereign borders for a reason.
There is every opportunity for a Mexican citizen to legally get into the United States, and to label those who want to enforce this as racists is wrong.
A President and his minions coming on television and distorting the facts, speaking out against the enforcement of the rule of law is wrong as well.
A president telling a story of a father and his son walking down the street to get ice cream only to be rousted by the police who demand papers is wrong.
Comparing the desire to protect our borders with the Jewish citizens of Germany being rounded up and killed by the Nazis is a disgrace.
The President’s job is to be an advocate for the safety and protection of the people and borders of the United States. Not a distorter of the facts and advocate for illegal actions.
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