There are no depths too low for the Democrat-media complex to sink in order to pursue their agenda. The latest is the shameful comparison between the just and justified rule of law in Arizona to systematic persecution of Jews in Nazi Germany.
I was going to write a full response to this, but Angry White Dude beat me to it:
Here are some of the recent mainstream media headlines and comments on Arizona’s new immigration law (h/t Ace of Spades):
Tuesday, April 27, 2010Democrat: Arizona law like ‘Nazi Germany’
Arizona illegal immigrant law is a Nazi measure says Catholic Archbishop Mahony
(Newsweek) Arizona or Nazi Germany?
Sharpton, other activists compare Arizona immigration law to apartheid, Nazi Germany and Jim Crow
Roger Ebert Compares Arizona Immigration Bill To Nazi Germany
NYT Former Reporter Greenhouse Fires on Arizona’s ‘Police State,’ Makes Nazi Comparison
How freely liberals throw around comparisons to Nazi Germany when things don’t go there way. When things don’t go there way translates into when something is good for America and it’s citizens. What a tremendous insult to innocent Jewish victims of the socialist German Nazi death machine to the plight of lawbreaking, illegal aliens entering our country and living at great expense on the backs of the American taxpayer. Not to mention the tremendous amount of crime committed at the hands of illegals!
... Let’s examine. Jews in Germany and Poland were productive citizens of both countries. They had their hard-earned possessions stripped from them. They were beaten in the streets and made to wear Stars of David at all times identifying them as Jews. Our police cannot even question people stopped for crimes if they are citizens! Jews were forcefully taken to concentration camps where they were gassed, shot or used in barbaric medical experiments. Six million innocent Jewish men, women and children died horrible deaths. They were treated worse than anything we could imagine. Yet liberals equate the treatment of Jews with illegal aliens!
Illegal aliens break American laws by entering our country without legal permission. Once they are here, our backward laws heap upon them rights and taxpayer aid. We spend untold billions of dollars each year housing, educating, medicating and incarcerating illegal aliens. Areas where they live soon become crime-ridden ghettos. They do not assimilate into American culture. Americans are too often the victims of violent crimes at the hands of these unlawful hordes. Yet liberals continue to compare them to Jews under the Nazis!
Arizona has over 500,000 illegal aliens. The upkeep of those illegals has nearly bankrupt the state. Crime is rampant and Phoenix has become the kidnapping capital of America because of them. It has gone too far and one state decided it was time to do something about it. But liberals are worried about hurting the feelings of lawbreakers who should never be here in the first place! Whose country is it anyway?
None of this would be necessary if the federal government had done its duty. Each President from Clinton to Obama has broken their oath of office by not protecting America’s borders. Who has paid the price? American taxpayers who either pay for illegals and the services they steal and/or those who suffer crime at the hands of violent illegals.
American values are upside down under the fools in Washington who control our country. Our President calls the new Arizona law “misguided.” Who, sir, may I ask, is misguided…the people who must pay for and suffer the consequences of failed immigration enforcement or the tools in Washington who don’t have to suffer living in proximity to these illegals and can only see a future voting bloc? Our country has slipped from a true republic into a system controlled by a ruling class.
Isn’t it sad liberals were only months ago calling the Tea Party movement names and decrying posters that portrayed Hussein Hopenchange as Hitler when Obama’s actions socializing America closely resemble Hitler’s in installing total government control? Liberals are out to destroy America. None of their actions can be portrayed as beneficial to our country. We must fight them at every turn and not tire! Arizona has set an example for all states to follow. I pray Texas will be next or we will soon suffer a wave of crime and expense from the seas of illegals fleeing Arizona.
Thank you, AWD.
When you compare what the state of Arizona is doing to deal with rampant illegal immigration to Nazi Germany, as the Democrat-media complex has done, you are sh*tting on the memory of every one of the six million Jews and millions of others who lost their lives during that dark era of modern history. There is no comparison whatsoever. No comparison.
Shame on you! Shame. On. You.
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