On this glorious brisk Christmas morning, Loud Lion so graciously pounded this installment of the (quasi-)Weekly Roar. (He kind of had to; we’re at the sitting at the same table right across from each other.)
What I want this Holiday Season
‘Tis the season to make lists, lists of the best, lists of the worst, lists of lists.
Speaking of which, I happen to be reading my local newspaper, the New York Daily News, and they had a list of the years worst parents, and in this list was the liberals’ newest and favorite punching bag, Sarah Palin.
Now, how did Sarah Palin get this wonderful distinction along side such upstanding parental units like, “Balloon Dad”, “OctoMom” and John & Kate? Well, it seems in an interview Levi Johnston said he “overheard” Sarah Palin call her Downs Syndrome child Trig, her retarded baby. Firstly, anyone who has watches Sarah Palin with her children, or read her book could tell that this is absurd. Anyone with a sense of a brain can tell that Levi Johnston is a publicity hound, looking for an extension of his 15 minutes of fame.
Well, my list of the year is people who need to fade away. So, congrats Mr. Johnston, you like your child’s grandmother, are on a List for 2009.
Second on my list, and number one in my heart is Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. What can we say that can convey my utter contempt for a woman who is so willing to strip citizens of their freedom that she is willing to throw the nation under the bus?
Third, because they go hand in hand, is Senator Harry Reid. A nation that loudly screams that they do not want government control health care, yet he pushes it through anyway.
Fourth would be President Obama. When over 40% of people polled say they would rather have President George W. Bush back as president over President Obama, well, you know that I am not the only one who has Barry on their list.
Fifth, is the not-so-distinguished Senator from Minnesota. The rules of the Senate are that you have 10 minutes to speak, and that you are allowed additional time if asked for and granted by the President of the Senate. Well, Stuart Smalley was President Pro Tem one day while Senator Lieberman was speaking on the floor. His 10 minutes were up, and Stuart informed him of this, and as right, Senator Lieberman asked for additional time to finish up. Stewie refused him.
In the history of the United States a Senator has never been refused extra time to finish … NEVER.
Sixth would be television personalities of MSNBC. I could list them and make them #6 through #10 and list plenty of reasons why they need to go away. But you know what? Why give them the satisfaction of listing the reasons and continuing to talk about them? So, just like their ratings show, we will just ignore them.
Seventh would be John and Kate, just because they are on every bad thing of 2009 list.
Eighth is Albert Gore, Jr. His refusal to admit that maybe Global Warming might not be what he has been screaming about shows his limited vision of the world we all live in. Admitting that pushing the Global Warming and carbon offest is beneficial to his bottom line would go far in peoples view on Fat Albert and his pushing a radical view.
Ninth, is the Yankees … cause everyone except Yankee fans hates the Yankees.
Tenth is 2009, because we could list many, many, many reasons why 2009 sucked.
Here is to the end of 2009 and the bright hopeful future of 2010. May you and your family experience all the joy and prosperity needed to weather the upcoming liberal storms.
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