On November 22, Frank Rich had this to say about the attendees of Sarah Palin book signings [via TimesWatch]:
“That demographic is white and non-urban: Just look at the stops and the faces on her carefully calibrated book tour. The affect is emotional — the angry air of grievance that emerged first at her campaign rallies in 2008, with their shrieked threats to Obama, and that has since resurfaced in the Hitler-fixated ‘tea party’ movement (which she endorses in her book)....Palin is at the red-hot center of age-old American resentments that have boiled up both from the ascent of our first black president and from the intractability of the Great Recession for those Americans who haven’t benefited from bailouts.”
— Columnist Frank Rich on Sarah Palin’s fans, November 22.
There are so many thoughts in my head right now about this pathetic hateful leftist hack with a word processor that I don't know where to begin. Seriously, I don't think there is an iota of truth, fact, or reality in this excerpt. OK, let's try to parse this line by despicable line:
1. White and non-urban. Translation: Racist rednecks. Just another instance of a liberal ideologue looking only at skin color and not content of character. As I wrote earlier in the fall, the attendance at my synagogue is all white and non-urban, a "sea of white people." Guess my congregation is just a bunch of racist rednecks.
2. The affect is emotional. Oh yeah, because Obama speeches with the freaking tears rolling down fans' cheeks is not emotional, right? Democrat politicians screaming to some audience of robots that unless you elect them, 500 million people a year are going to die due to lack of health insurance, the entire economy is going to collapse if we don't pass this Democrat slush fund called the "stimulus bill" tomorrow, the world is going to boil over in 3 months unless we turn our lives upside-down to stop global warming, our "moral standing" in the world is being damaged by Republican strategies in the war on terror, black churches are going to burn because America is a racist country, and millions of Americans are going to go poor and starving unless government does something to regulate those greedy corporate executives. These, according to Frank Rich — who according to his own writings agrees wholeheartedly with everyone of these ridiculous sentiments — are not emotional.
Oh, and it should be effect, Mr. Rich, not affect. Free Republic reader "afraidfortherepublic" noticed this too and says, "I’ll betcha Sarah knows the difference. Frank Rich needs to go back to school."
3. Angry air of grievance. Not like those feel-good liberal gatherings you love, right, Mr. Rich? Those "Free abortion on demand!" rallies, "End the occupation!" rallies, "No blood for-oil! rallies, "Raise the minimum wage!" rallies, "Habeas corpus rights for terrorists!" rallies, "Free Mumia!" rallies, "George W. Bush is the world's biggest terrorist!" rallies, "9/11 was an inside job!" rallies, and "Try Bush and Cheney for war crimes!" rallies? No angry air or grievance there, according to Frank Rich. But when Sarah Palin fans gather to demand our liberty, property, income, and Constitution back, it has an aaaangry aaaair of griieeeevance!
4. Shrieked threats to Obama ... Hitler-fixed 'tea party' movement. Rich is undoubtedly referring to one liberal reporter's claim of having heard "Kill Him" and "Terrorist" at a Sarah Palin rally last fall. A claim that was never corroborated by a single other attending reporter or rally participant.
5. Hitler-fixed 'tea party' movement. Rich is undoubtedly referring to one—uno—instance of a person holding a swastika with a slash through it at one Tea Party. If this is all it takes for Frank Rich to label an entire movement as Hitler-fixated, I wonder what rock he was sleeping under when this was taking place from 2001-2008.
How easy it must be to be a NY Times writer. Who needs intellectual honesty when you can just spout overblown and/or unsubstantiated liberal talking points?
6. Palin is at the red-hot center of age-old American resentments that have boiled up both from the ascent of our first black president. Palin isn't at the red-hot center of any resentments, you schmuck. By contrast, your butt buddy Barack Obama is at the red-hot center of age-old anti-American resentments. And the oft-repeated but not once substantiated claim that the tea party movement (which is aimed more at Congress than at Obama) resents having a black president is getting old and simply highlights Frank Rich's intellectual laziness and unprofessionalism.
UPDATED 3:20PM: Regarding the ol' liberal "black man in the White House" mantra, Freedom's Lighthouse links to this anti-ObamaCare ad:
7. the intractability of the Great Recession for those Americans who haven’t benefited from bailouts. This statement is wrong in three significant ways. First, it's only called the "Great Recession" because liberal hacks like Rich want it too appear to the American people worse than it really was at the time of its coining (i.e., right around the end of George W. Bush's presidency and the beginning of Obama's). The truth is the recession wouldn't have been so "great" if the Marxist-socialist in chief and his Marxist-socialist-dominated Congress didn't worsen and prolong the recession by enacting the most irresponsible economic policies since LBJ's Great Society scheme.
Second, it is safe to say that except for government hacks, virtually no one as benefited from bailouts. Banks are still not lending, GM is still reeling, and businesses are still not hiring. For Rich to even assume the premise that there are actually beneficiaries of bailouts makes him look even more ignorant.
Finally, Rich makes the assumption that those present at Sarah Palin book signings are among those who -- unlike people who are not at Palin fans ostensibly -- didn't get their expected piece of the bailout pie. Not only is this assumption completely unsupportable, but it shows how much Rich does not understand the values of real conservative America. He lives in this liberal bubble in a windowed office in Manhattan waxing eloquent about how white and racist and angry and Hitler-obsessed middle Americans are. If Palin fans or any conservatives are angry about the bailouts it's not because they didn't get their piece of the pie; they don't want a handout from government, and they didn't want the government — under Bush or Obama — to recklessly and irresponsibly pass these bailouts as they did.
In short, this one paragraph from one of the NY Times' treasured editorialists is an open window into the ignorant, hateful, and intolerant mind of the left.
And they wonder why they're losing so much business ...
Can somebody comment on this, please?
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