There I stood, hundreds of people surrounding me. Chanting. Singing. Listening to the passionate words of our leader and then uttering responses in unison. People came with their children, with their parents. They stayed all day.
As I looked around at the crowd, it was immediately noticeable that we were all white. No blacks. No Hispanics. No Asians or Indians. It was a sea of white people.
How un-inclusive! How closed-minded! How intolerant we must have been!
What was this entirely white crowd of hundreds I’ve just described? A local RNC gathering? An “angry mob” Tea Party? An NRA convention?
Because that’s how liberals/Democrats view us, right? DNC Chair Howard Dean alone—paragon of civility, open-mindedness, tolerance, and compassion—has said this of the GOP for years, e.g.:
Republicans are “a pretty monolithic party. They all behave the same. They all look the same. It’s pretty much a white Christian party … The Republicans are not very friendly to different kinds of people. … We’re more welcoming to different folks, because that’s the type of people we are. But that’s not enough. We do have to deliver on things: jobs and housing and business opportunities.”
—June, 2005
“If you look at folks of color, even women, they’re more successful in the Democratic Party than they are in the white, uh, excuse me, in the Republican Party [chuckle] because we just give more opportunity to folks who are hard-working people who are immigrants and come from members of minority groups.”
—August, 2008
“You think the Republican National Committee could get this many people of color in a single room? Only if they had the hotel staff in here.”
—Addressing the Black National Caucus, February, 2005
That last one’s my favorite. Interestingly, it’s Dean who exposes his own racism when he suggests that hotel staff would be comprised primarily of blacks. In addition, who the hell really thinks that the hotel staff at Democrat events don’t include minorities??? But why let a good jab at Republicans get ruined by some inconvenient facts? (Hey, it’s never stopped Democrats before.)
Or how about this one from Donna Brazile, Al Gore’s black presidential campaign manager in 2000: We’re never gonna let those “white boys win.” (Did anyone tell her that Al Gore is also white?)
And now, ever since the start of the Obama presidency, MSNBC talk show hosts, New York Times editorialists, and even former Democrat presidents have declared that Tea Parties and anti-ObamaCare town halls are simply the stamping grounds of white Republican racists.
This issue has been irking me for months, but this morning was the straw that broke the camel’s back: I turned on my local PBS station so my son could watch a cartoon. Instead, the black host of some talk show was interviewing the author of a recent Republican-bashing book. From the onset of the interview the (white) author referred to Tea Partiers with the sexual slur “tea-baggers” and described the Tea Parties as a sea of white.
So, according to many liberals/Democrats in Washington, Hollywood, the universities, TV, and even my own living room at family gatherings—Republicans are a monolithic white party because we are not friendly or welcoming to “different folks” and don’t offer them “opportunities.”
Let’s split this into two parts: (1) The premise and (2) the reasoning for this premise.
First, the premise that Republicans are a “monolithic party” who “behave the same” and “look the same.” (Imagine if someone said this about a predominantly black group: “They behave the same and look the same!” Isn’t it nice being a liberal Democrat? You get to have all the double standards your little bleeding heart desires.)
Dean is technically right that most Republicans are white. But even though the lion’s share of American blacks vote Democrat, there are plenty of proud conservative Republican- (or Libertarian-) voting blacks. Those who are well-known in big circles, such as Larry Elder, Kevin Jackson, Star Parker, Angela McGlowan, Thomas Sowell, Walter E. Williams, Bob Parks, etc., etc., will never get the prominent media attention and respect they deserve. Black conservative/Republican public figures like former Secretary of State Condi Rice, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and RNC Chair Michael Steele will be forever smeared, tarnished, and dismissed by the elite leftocracy. Such people—like Sarah Palin because of her gender—are an inconvenient truth and must be quashed.
In fact, it is so important for liberals/Democrats to depict the GOP as a “whites only!” party that they have whitewashed (pardon the pun) black participants from Tea Parties and other primarily conservative events. Most of the Tea Party footage and photos from the mainstream media will show you no one but Whitey as far as the eye can see. If this is the case, how did my guest blogger benjaminTheDonkey, in his video footage of the 9/12 D.C. Tea Party, come across several non-whites? Are amateurs with video cameras merely doing the job the mainstream media just won’t do anymore?
Now let’s consider the reasoning offered by Howard Dean and others as to why the GOP is primarily white (and Christian), namely, that we are not friendly or welcoming to “different folks” and don’t offer them “opportunities.” Perhaps the only vicious and politically-motivated lie bigger than this is that man is causing catastrophic global warming.
The inconvenient truth is it’s the Republican Party that gives more opportunity to hard-working people, regardless of color or ethnicity. When Democrat demagogues like Dean say “opportunity,” they mean handouts and entitlements. Democrats, having learned long ago they can buy votes with other people’s money (i.e., yours) in this way. And those who are not hard-working know which party offers these handouts and entitlements.
I am not saying that blacks and other minorities are not hardworking; what I am saying is that for several decades now the Democrats have brainwashed minorities into thinking they don’t need to work hard (e.g., by getting the most out of their educational opportunities) or take personal responsibility (e.g., by refraining from criminal activity and not having babies out of wedlock). Why be responsible to your family and your fellow citizens when the “friendly” and “welcoming” Democrat Party give a safety net that they insist you’re entitled to?
What the Democrats have done to minority populace in this country for the sole purpose of buying their votes is nothing less than criminal.
Thousands in Detroit line up for apply for stimulus money, October 6, 2009
Your Democrat electorate—diverse and dependent, just the way Howard Dean, Barack Obama, and the rest of the Democrat leadership like them
I don’t have the data accessible, but I would wager that most minorities who switch parties during their lives go from Democrat to Republican. That’s at least the case with the black conservative/Republicans I follow, as well as female and Jewish conservatives/Republicans.
Democrats have had a great con game going on for decades. They promise minorites the world—with other people’s money, of course—offering handout after handout and entitlement after entitlement. The result is a permanent underclass of slaves (yes, you read that right; I said “slaves”), of government-dependent minorities who hold out their hand for promises both fulfilled and broken, all in exchange for the simple act of voting Democrat. Because Republicans (ideally at least) refuse to buy the votes of minorities by promising them handouts and entitlements that no one deserves simply by existing, Democrat demagogues use that to convince minorities that Republicans aren’t friendly, welcoming, and “don’t care” about them.
And since Republicans are the party of personal responsibility and individual freedom regardless of your race, gender, or ethnicity, they don’t need to buy votes (ideally at least). Most minorities who switch parties realize this; that’s why they swtich. They don’t want to be condescended to and treated like children and told essentially, “Do whatever you want. We got your back. We’ll protect you from that unfriendly, unwelcoming White Party.”
The GOP is neither unfriendly nor unwelcoming to minorities. They simply don’t—again, ideally!—buy their votes with demeaning handouts, expedient entitlements, empty promises, and spreading lies and fear of the other party.
Minorities who have always been Republican or who have left the “Democrat plantation” as many conservative blacks call it, realize this.
Diversity to liberals is only skin deep. That’s really all they care about. They pat themselves on the back about how “diverse” they are, but it’s a sham. A university faculty packed with whites and blacks, gays and straights, men and women, Hispanics and Asians who all think, believe, and vote the same way is not diverse. Neither is a newsroom or TV studio. If there isn’t diversity of thought and ideas, all you get is a bag of M&M’s: They may be different colors but it doesn’t matter; when you close your eyes, they all taste the same.
OK, you’ve waited long enough. What exactly was the white-only, chanting, singing gathering of hundreds I described up top?
(Hit your Pg Dn key for the answer)
High Holy Day services at my (left-leaning) synagogue.
Not too many non-white Jews around, has anyone noticed? All those white people. Must be Republicans!
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