During President Hope&Change’s push for government-run health (s)care, he and his team in the White House and media have done their part to combat the purported lies and misrepresentations about it.
Well, if he really means it, she should roll over and start with the liar he shares his bed with. Last week Michelle Obama addressed a crowd of female activists, this time using a “woman” angle. I thought liberals/Democrats were the uniters, not the dividers like those evil conservatives. So why is Michelle addressing only women? Because that’s how the left thinks: You’re not an individual human being. You belong to a group. Grouping individuals into armies of grievance-mongers is what the leftist does best. All they’ve done for decades is pit women against men, blacks against whites, gays against heterosexuals. It’s page 1 of the playbook. And I am so freaking sick of it.
Now, here’s Michelle shamelessly using her own children to gin up support for her husband’s disastrous health scheme:
MICHELLE: I will never forget the time eight years ago when Sasha was four months, that she would not stop crying—and she was not a crier, so we knew something was wrong. So we fortunately were able to take her to our pediatrician that next morning. He examined her and said, “Somethin’s wrong.” We didn’t know what, but he told us that she could have meningitis. So we were terrified. He said, “Get to the emergency room right away.” I think about, “What on earth would we have done if we had not had insurance.” … What would have happened to that beautiful little girl if we hadn’t been able to get to a pediatrician who was able to get us to an emergency room. The consequences I can’t even imagine.
What a freaking crock of bull. Let me get this straight: You ship your daughter out to a hospital emergency room, which by law cannot refuse giving treatment. Then doctors at that hospital save your daughter’s life and the first thing you were grateful for was your insurance, which played no part in this scenario? Did you ever think to thank the doctors? How stupid do you think we are? The pediatrician didn’t help you get you into an E.R. They had to take you no matter what. And somebody else, i.e., the taxpayers you so despise, footed the bill.
OK, true, the pediatrician you went to first probably required a payment, but you know what? If you didn’t have insurance, you take out your wallet and you pay the guy. Just like if you went to the vet. Just like if you went to the roller rink. By the way, according the the House bill your husband supports, it would be illegal to pay out of pocket for private care. Everyone is forced to be on the government plan, and no one can shell out their own money for special treatment, out of “fairness.”
That’s my rant on her statement. Now here’s Rush tearing the woman a new one in hour 3 of Friday’s show:
RUSH: It isn’t going to fly, Michelle. It isn’t going to fly. We’re not Tom Brokaw or Dan Rather or Peter Jennings propping you up here. We’re not Brian Williams. We’re not Charlie Gibson. We’re not Katie Couric propping you up here. You’ll not get away with this kind of stuff. Here’s the next sound bite. This is where she says it’s a woman’s issue. She says under her “husband’s plan,” when there is no husband’s plan. Her husband does not have a plan. Under her husband’s plan, women will be blessed.
But then it gets worse. Realizing she’s speaking to a crowd of women, Michelle brings out the big feminist guns by citing misleading statistics that do nothing but appeal to people’s emotions, not intellect (Another typical liberal/Democrat m.o.):
MICHELLE: We all know that women earn 78¢ on the dollar to a man.
Um, no! What is this, 1977? Only liberals “know” that women earn 78¢ on the dollar to a man. And “know” is in quotes because that’s a false statement wielded like a battering ram by feminists and leftists for decades. The claim has been long debunked by individuals using their brains rather than their emotions who show that the 78¢-on-the-dollar is the average of all jobs, full-time and part-time; it’s not a direct job-to-job comparison. Men generally work longer hours per week than women, work over a longer number of years, work a much higher percentage of full-time than part-time, and work jobs that pay higher because they tend to be more dangerous (e.g., police, fire, military) or dirty (e.g., garbage or custodial). Unlike forty, fifty, sixty years ago when such a discrepancy existed, a woman who measures up to a man in education and experiences does not get 78¢ for doing the same job. But that is the misconception Michelle Obama the bitter feminist hopes to use on her audience.
MICHELLE: So it’s not exactly surprising when we hear statistics that more than half of women report putting off needed medical care simply because they can’t afford it. It is very much a women’s issue. The status quo is unacceptable. It is holding women and families back—and we know it.
Wait a minute. You said women were adversely affected. Then you say the “status quo” is holding families back. Families consists of women and men. By this logic, single men and families consisting of only men are the only ones “blessed” with the status quo. This makes no sense.
Besides, she’s pulling these statistics out of her ass, like liberals/Democrats often do, to tug at people’s heartstrings. More than half of women reporting putting off needed care simply because they can’t afford it? That’s absolute B.S. Are there hard-luck cases out there? Absolutely. But more than half? No way. And call me cynical, but if there are such women out there, tell me that you don’t have your own cell phone with the monthly bills, iPod, iPhone, designer clothes, designer shoes, etc. Ever heard of priorities? (Oh, sorry. Was that too harsh? Too unfeeling? Tough. We all have our choices. We have no right to expect other people to pay for our misplaced priorities! Grow up, people.)
In any case, I am so sick of crybaby liberals like Michelle Obama who do nothing but complain about how much their own country sucks. We’ve heard it from this woman for nearly two years. This country sucks for blacks. This country sucks for women. Americans are downright mean. She wasn’t proud of her country her whole adult life until her husband was nominated for the presidency. Even though her adult life consisted of a Princeton education she didn’t earn and a cushy six-figure hospital job she didn’t earn. Oh, how the United States sucks for poor black woman Michelle Robinson Obama. What a most pathetic excuse for a First Lady.
MICHELLE: Fortunately that is exactly what my husband’s plan proposes to do. If you already have insurance—and it seems that there are a lot of people who are worried that they’ll lose what they have under this plan, but under this plan if you already have insurance—you’re set. Nothing changes.
B.S.! It’s in the House bill. You, Michelle, like your husband, are a bold-faced liar.
MICHELLE: You keep your insurance, you keep your doctors, and you’re blessssssed!
“Blessed”? What exactly is blessed about it, Michelle? She acts like it’s a fucking miracle if you have health insurance. But if 85% of Americans have it and are happy with it, and another 5% or so can afford it but choose not to because they’d rather spend their money on other things, where does the “blessed” part come in? Does anybody realize how much this woman absolutely loathes her country and all its genuine blessings?
Here’s how it works in this country, princess: You work your ass off, try to scrape up whatever dollars that aren’t stolen by greedy leftist politicians like your husband or are siphoned off to pay for boondoggles like the stimulus package pork bill, and that’s what you use for your insurance. That’s not blessed. That’s 85% of Americans being happy with what they’re paying for with their hard-earned money.
MICHELLE: Change is hard. Sometimes the status quo, even if it isn’t right, feels comfortable because it’s what we know.
Oy, does this woman ever stop? Like her husband, Michelle uses not only “change” ad nauseam, but “status quo.” But this is a false choice. Conservatives and anyone opposed to Obama’s plans are not defending the status quo; they just don’t like Obama’s solutions! It’s not one or the other. There are dozens of ways—productive, efficient, money-saving, liberty-preserving, and Constitution-protecting ways—to reform the purported problems with our health insurance system. The plans Obama and the Democrat Congress has for us are in no way productive, efficient, money-saving, liberty-preserving, or Constitution-protecting. That’s why at least half the country rejects this plan!
Michelle, like her husband, is falling back on this oft-repeated but unsubstantiated liberal/Democrat claim that conservatives/Republicans, as a character flaw, fear and resist change.
MICHELLE: So it is understandable that people are cautious about moving into a—a new place in the society.
Damn right, you authoritarian bitch. No president, no Congress, and no judge in this United States of America has the authority to tell a citizen that they must move into “a new place in the society.” But I know, you, like your husband, are an authoritarian leftist, therefore you hate freedom.
Rush concludes:
RUSH: You know, Michelle, the first thought you had when you’re told your daughter might have meningitis, “Oh, thank God we’ve got insurance.” Not thank God you’ve got insurance, Michelle, thank God you have doctors and nurses and technologies, medicines developed by our capitalist system to help your daughter. That’s what you need to be thankful for. Instead you and your husband are running around trashing the very health care system that saved your daughter. It would help now and then, just once, maybe just once if you and your husband could acknowledge that no one dies in the gutter in this nation, unlike other countries. If you could just acknowledge the decency of our health care system you or your husband, just one of you, one time.
Michelle Obama and her husband want to take the very system that helped their daughter eight years ago and they want to trash it, they want to destroy it. And for what? How long did it take you to get to the doctor, Michelle? No time at all. How long did it take you to get emergency care? No time at all. You’re surrounded by the magnificence of our health care system. You benefit from it, and you don’t even realize it and you and your husband are out there trashing it and saying that women will be blessed when Barack’s plan (which he doesn’t have) passes.
If our system is so awful, 80% of the customers and patients wouldn’t resist your husband now, would they? If 80% of the American people were for your stupid plan, you wouldn’t be having the problems you’re having. The American people don’t want what your husband wants to bless us with, Michelle. We don’t want to be blessed, because your definition of blessed actually means screwed, and we don’t want to be screwed and we don’t want you and your husband screwing with a perfectly fine health care system!
Well, I wouldn’t agree with Rush that it’s perfectly fine, but it’s certainly better than the Obamas and Congress would have us believe. And it’s certainly better than any other nation in the world. The apologists for British- or Canadian-style government-run health care systems never seem to be able to explain why Brits, Canadians, and other people come to the U.S. in droves seeking the medicines, tests, and procedures their supposedly superior systems can’t give them!
[Edited for long silences, commercial breaks, and any other moments of extraneous talking]
(rush2009-09-18_32khz_80kbps.mp3 here)
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